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Anneliese Possberg

Anneliese Possberg


Phone: +49 1759 914 188

Email: anna@possberg-media.com

Possberg Media

Websites: www.possberg-media.com & www.possi.de

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Together with her German husband, an awarded photographer, Anneliese Possberg started to travel extensively to haunt the beauties of the world ten years ago. Looking for means to convey the overwhelming impressions and experiences gathered during their travels Anneliese discovered her passion for the moving images. Thus she took up the challenge of filming people and wildlife in their environment.

Her debut documentary about the Antarctic wildlife is currently in production for broadcast and cinema. Additionally a travel adventure series is planned after publishing the coffee-table book "The Desert Motorcycle Dream".

A well-known German motorcycle travel magazine published her latest VOD full-length documentary about their adventure in Brazil "On the Track of the Jaguar".

Three years ago she started to specialize in time-lapse photography which resulted in award-winning short films about the Northern Lights and the landscape of the southwest USA. Micro-aerial images by their own drone hexacopter enlarge the portfolio of the intrepid team that Anneliese forms together with her husband.

Nanuq - Living with the Polar Bear from Anna Possberg

A short documentary about the special relationship of the polar bears and the Inupiat people in Northern Alaska. The film shows a surprising perspective of the locals upon the future of these amazing wild animals in their natural environment. This is the teaser for a long-term documentary project about the special relationship between humans and wildlife in the Arctic.


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