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Darryl Saffer

Darryl Saffer

Pagosa Springs

Phone: +1 941 228 7288

Email: earthcare@aol.com

Website: www.thefieldjournal.net

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Produce, shoot and edit wildlife/nature documentaries and stock footage. Compose original production music.

Darryl Saffer is a filmmaker/composer and was the audio/video producer for Mind Magic Productions (RMC Interactive). There, he composed the soundtrack and edited the video (live action and animation) for the Jane Goodall environmental adventure CD-ROM Jubilee’s Journey.

His camera has focused on such diverse subjects as orcas off the coast of Vancouver Island, public housing in Florida and cosmic theory. Darryl documented a botanical expedition in the cloud forest of Venezuela, produced the CD-ROM Tales Of Titans - The Amorphophallus titanum in North America and his film, Myakka River State Park is part of the permanent exhibit at the South Florida Museum. Working with filmmaker Diane Mason, the team produced Condemned, a film which exposed conditions at the Janie Poe housing complex.

Darryl is the filmmaker for the Wild Orchid Man films with Stig Dalström. Saffer can be seen locally and on youtube on the Education Channel’s award-winning program Florida Field Journal.

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