Wildlife Film News - The International News and Information Resource for Wildlife Film-makers from wildlife-film.com

Felicity Flashman

Felicity Flashman

Felicity Flashman Photography
40 Long Grove
Seer Green
Bucks HP9 2GN
United Kingdom

Phone: +44 (0)7561 462 106

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Email: felicity@felicityflashmanphotography.co.uk

Website: www.felicityflashmanphotography.co.uk

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I am a third year undergraduate at the Falmouth University studying Marine and Natural History photography.

As an ambitious professional wildlife photographer and film-maker. I have varied work experience from scuba diving (Qualified Rescue Diver) to wedding photography.

I welcome new challenges and enjoy working with all age groups.

Recent photography shoots undertaken for my third year finals have reaffirmed my commitment to photography and conservation with the aims of bringing these images to a wider audience.


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