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George Schnipper

George Schnipper

AKA Georgy Lars Mazurov Schnipper


Phone: +7 903 120 83 56

Email: george.schnipper@gmail.com

Website: www.georgeschnipper.com

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Multilingual wildlife video editor and camera operator with a zoology background.

6 years of filmmaking experience. Produced over 150 works: interviews, documentaries, showreels, shorts, travel and commercial videos.

Worked as a cameraman for a Russian wildlife series about the desert fauna of Uzbekistan. Working as production assistant for the nature documentary filmmaking company LESFILM.

Have worked with Blackmagic, Canon, Sony, Panasonic and DJI video equipment.

Moved from Denmark to the UK to study Zoology with Herpetology. Currently living in Russia. Dual citizenship allows for easy travel and relocations to sites around the world.

Fluent English, Russian and Danish languages. Basic German.

Can work as a fixer with travelling through Europe, Russia and Central Asia. Have connections with Russian nature reserves and local scientists.

Driver license, scuba diver, first aid, volunteering with animals.


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