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Michael Samstag

Michael Samstag

Rescue Doc Films

Phone: +1 865 387 0901

Email: ms@rescuedocfilms.org

Website: www.rescuedocfilms.org

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Best known for his work directing and producing special features for the first three Harry Potter DVDs and the Van Helsing DVD, Samstags' work on Van Helsing was featured in an article by American Cinematographer Magazine and the making of WAR & TRUTH was featured in the American Prospect. His documentary, TALES IN FLIGHT, followed the inspirational stories of pilots who fly dogs to safety.

His documentary feature film, WAR & TRUTH, won Best Documentary at the Annapolis Film Festival in November 2005. His documentary, JUST GOT BACK chronicles Darryl Worley's last trip to Iraq in 2010 and was honored with an Excellence in Media Award from the Daughters of the American Revolution. Samstag graduated from Hampshire College with a BA in Directing for Film and Television in 1989.

He's fostered over a hundred dogs and is the proud parent of five rescue dogs.

Rescue Doc Films is a non-profit film company committed to ending animal and human suffering.

The Hidden Tiger exposes the truth about the captive tiger population in the United States and its adverse affect on wild tiger conservation. Five years in the making, The Hidden Tiger traveled the globe, meeting with NGOs and top tiger conservation experts. The documentary exposes the exploiters and celebrates the conservationists, while presenting a clear path for us all. Together, we can save the tiger.

The Hidden Tiger: Wildlife-film.com Premiere


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