Steve Cook
Phone: +44 (0)7966 548 601

Steve is a production safety and medical manager as well as a skilled project manager and is experienced in establishing bureaus for major news networks and TV production.
He is used to starting from basics, locating and purchasing property, writing and implementing operating procedures, emergency procedures, crisis management and contingency planning.
He also has considerable experience in location and logistics management and field production in remote locations working in documentary and reality formats, involving pre-deployment planning, training and liaison with in-country fixers through to accompanying the crew on the ground.
Programs include the widely acclaimed Death of Bhutto in Pakistan, the Go Back series for Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Anthony Bourdains For Parts Unknown, Green Bay Media 6 Deserts of the World, Discovery Channels Jungle Gold‚ for RAW productions.
Steve has filmed over several years in harsh desert locations and remote jungles around the world in countries including: Iraq, Pakistan, Kenya, Nigeria, Norway, Sweden, Australia, USA, Canada and UK East and West Africa, Middle East, South East Asia and Pacific Islands.
Steve's career portfolio has given him a formidable depth of experience working in countries with harsh climatic conditions, environmental disaster and conflict zones. He is culturally aware and an accomplished and competent negotiator and fixer with considerable business acumen. He also holds the BBC Safe Management of Productions qualification. |