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Thomas Young

Thomas Young

Thomas Young

Tom Young Wildlife
55 Rook Tree Lane
Stotfold SG5 4DL
United Kingdom

Phone: +44 (0)7896 901 051

Email: thomas.young.89@hotmail.co.uk

Website: www.tomyoungwildlife.com

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Presenter, filmmaker, photographer and adventurer passionate about wildlife.

A background in long hikes, wild camping, diving, marine conservation and public speaking, Tom has a particular affinity with the natural world and is constantly building his growing knowledge of the subject.

Award-winning filmmaker, he has produced films with and for the Shark Trust, Fox Project, ZSL, National Marine Aquarium and the Wildlife Trusts.

Beyond the Riverbank

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Tom Young Wildlife Showreel 2016 from Riverbank Movies

Thomas Young

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The producer does not recommend or endorse any particular method, institution, product, treatment, or theory.
Opinions expressed on Wildlife-film.com and in Wildlife Film News are not necessarily those of the producer.

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