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Bonné de Bod

Bonné de Bod

South Africa

Phone: +27 829 279 022

Email: bonnedebod@yahoo.com

Website: www.bonnedebod.co.za

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Bonné is well known as an award-winning wildlife television presenter on South African television.

She has been on SABC's nature programme 50|50 for seven seasons.

She is also a special correspondent for SABC's Newsroom.

Bonné has produced/presented the crowd-funded independent film STROOP on the rhino poaching crisis and KINGDOMS of FIRE, ICE & FAIRYTALES looking at iconic wildernesses in three locations: Yellowstone National Park in America; the Black Forest in Germany; and the Arctic Circle in Swedish Lapland.

Bonné has been awarded the prestigious Kudu Award for Best Journalist, which she won in recognition of her passionate, balanced reporting on wildlife conservation issues as well as keeping the public updated and informed about environmental issues in South Africa.

Bonné de Bod


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