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Olivia Prutz

Olivia Prutz

Two Horseshoe Productions
United Kingdom

Phone: +44 (0)7881 386 279

Email: oliprutz.cameraman@hotmail.com

Website: www.oliprutz.co.uk

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Freelance camera operator and editor based in London, working nationally and internationally.

Experienced with a wide range of camera and lighting equipment and various post production software as well as being qualified for aerial work.

Up-to-date HEFAT training (Hazardous Environment and Emergency First Aid) and currently undergoing Medic training with the UK Army Reserves.

Particularly interested in working on conservation, environmental advocacy and human interest documentaries as well as adventure/expedition projects.

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showreel from Two Horseshoe Productions.

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The producer does not recommend or endorse any particular method, institution, product, treatment, or theory.
Opinions expressed on Wildlife-film.com and in Wildlife Film News are not necessarily those of the producer.